Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 99 - Saving a Tree (by cancelling catalogs)

This week, like most weeks, I received several catalogs in the mail. Most are for stores I really like and it's fun to see what the latest & greatest styles and designs are but even though I always recycle them when I am finished I know it would be best if they were just never printed to begin with.

So in this internet-savvy world we are living in, I decided if I want to look at something that I normally might see in a catalog - I can go online, look at it there and never deal with the paper catalog again. With that idea I have requested to put a stop to receiving many of catalogs we get. Here is the first batch I did tonight and I will continue to cancel more as they arrive. (The only one that gave my trouble was Pier One, they don't have an on-line/mail order systems so I think I need to try to cancel this one with an email to them).

It was very easy to do and the people I talked with at each company were pleasant. Just follow these simple steps:

1. You will need the actual catalog
2. Dial the 1-800-number
3. Select/tell the automated option or live operator that you would like to be removed from the catalog mailing list.
4. Provide the operator (telemarketer) with the required information (usually codes on the back of each catalog)
5. Say thank-you and you are done!

Many have a pre-printed mailing list so it may take a couple of months, but eventually all mailing should stop. Each one took less than 3 minutes so please consider putting a stop to some of yours too!

Other Firsts: Also, this evening, my good friend Julie, from high school, was in town visiting from St. Louis so Anne and I met up with her for some drinks & fun and to celebrate her recent engagement (on Easter)! So we got to see her ring for the first time and hang out with her as an engaged woman for the first time ;)

Love you Julie & Congratulations!!

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