Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 216 - Berry Tracker

Quinn and I had such a nice day! We were still on our vacation, but got to spend the day at home, which we pretty much NEVER do when we have time off and it was great! (even with this headache that I can't seem shake)

We slept in, went to the pool, hung out on the couch and ate yummy food . . . including some delicious raspberries.

While we were snacking away, I remembered my neighbor had told me a while back that Driscoll berries now had a feature on their website where you can track the berries back to the farm they came from. How neat is that?

So today, I went to this site and entered the details from our raspberry package: code: 2833 7213 2583 DSA2 (organic raspberries from Whole Foods).

Unfortunately, the site isn't completely ready yet and the code from our raspberries didn't work, but I plan to check back with future berries and think it will be fun to see what I find out.

Check it out, maybe yours will work.

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