Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 193 - Prenatal Yoga Deck

I have been practicing yoga for nearly 4 years now, but these last few weeks, I have not been getting to the studio, either because of a late night at work, a head ache or just plain old being too sleepy (these two little babes are taking a lot of my energy!)

So in addition to borrowing a prenatal video from my sister (that I bought her during her pregnancy) I got this prenatal yoga deck of safe & effective postures to practice during pregnancy.

The cards are color coordinated for meditation, breathing, postures, stretching and relaxation

Plus, there are some recommended sequences so rather than just pulling a card at random you can follow a predetermined series.

I have really enjoyed working with these cards and hope to continue to use them through out my pregnancy - I also, really hope to make it back into a class soon!

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