Lent is a time to reflect on the greatest sacrifice, to pray, to prepare for Easter AND to eat fish :)
Our church has a fish fry every Friday during Lent. In the past couple of years, for one reason or another - we have never been to the St. Agnes fish fry. Growing up in Omaha both Quinn and I had been to our fair share, but have never ventured to one in KC until today. With our good friends the Lief's we headed to our first St. Agnes fish fry.

It was everything a fish fry should be - in a school cafeteria, eating off lunch trays, with lots of kids running around, all kinds of side dishes and good people gathered together for a meal.
They had quite the selection - there was salmon or cod which was baked and catfish that was fried and I got the shrimp which were breaded and baked and very tasty

By the time we finished eating, the desserts were gone so we decided to get ice cream and then took our idea to the next level when Casey reminded us it was Heather's birthday on Monday (way to go Casey) - so we invited ourselves over to the Sutko's house, got an ice cream cake and it was the perfect, fun, relaxing end to our Friday night (Actually Quinn and I ended up playing Mario Brothers on Wii to end our night)

Happy Birthday Heather!
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