Tonight Quinn, Charlie and I went on a walk - this is not new at all, infact when I suggested to Quinn that we could walk somewhere new we both were at a loss - we've walked to just about every possible place in our neighborhood for about a 3 mile radius so it seemed like I'd have to think of something else new to do today and Quinn suggested we just take a regular walk and could think of something as we went along.
As we walked a route we have probably been on a hundred times before I noticed the track at a highschool - I had even said before that I wanted to walk it - but for some reason we just never had before so we decided to go check it out . . .

When I saw this sign I had second thoughts, but Quinn convinced me that one lap would be fine so around we went.

And even though I asked Quinn more than once what our plan was if some one came after us (to which he just laughed at me) - it was just fine. And as we were walking off the track another walker came along to get use the track for his own personal workout - so we decided it is fine for public use, just not a football or soccer game and next time we will leave Charlie at home.
(side note - the pictures are off my camera so they are a bit blurry - I really didn't think we would find something new along our walk, so that's all I had with me - it got the job done.)
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