Today, I gathered my first ever knitting project and the supplies I had purchased to put on the finishing touches and once again set out to go next door, where my way-too-kind neighbor Katie was going to help me finish my project.
I have never used a sewing machine before & sewing onto something that is knit is a bit tricky, but we made some great progress and even though we weren't able to totally complete the project it was a good intro to sewing and I really enjoyed it (at least the part where I was actually using the machine - not so much the part where I was trying to correct all my mistakes).
*disclaimer* all images associated to this post will be added once the 'knitting project' is in the hands of it's future owner. Stay tuned ;)
***UPDATE on 3/20***
First I pinned everything in place to start on the first side (another first)

We learned - after the first couple attempts - that it is pretty tricky to sew onto a knit, so we first did a basting stitch (another first) to secure the back side of the ribbon border in place and then pinned the front.

The sewing machine was very high tech . . . I was planning to comment on this little contraption, but cannot remember what it is called - any one want to help me out with this?

Here I am making my first stitches on a sewing machine - it was lovely. I really like the feel of sewing and although this project was definitely 'made with love' I hope to sew more in the future and I hope I will get better with practice

Ta Da!!!

Other Firsts: This morning for breakfast I wanted pancakes, so I decided to make them from scratch - once I got to the recipe in my Betty Crocker cook book there were some substitutions it listed to make twist on the basic - so I made oatmeal cinnamon pancakes.

They were so yummy & much healthier than regular pan cakes . . . mmmmm
That blanket is so cool - I can't wait to hear what baby Liam thought of it! That contraption is called a bobbin!