Today after work, while I was making extravagant plans for Quinn and I to ride our bikes somewhere fun for dinner he kept reminding me of everything we had to do around the house . . . as we were talking I went for the Easter candy for an after-work snack and saw the Peeps.

I have heard about Peep Wars before, but never really knew what they were all about. so I went on You Tube, watched a couple of Peep Wars and decided to try it! I put in the pink one for me and the yellow one for Quinn.

And then we zapped them

It was pretty funny to watch them basically inflate and Q and I had a good laugh - we did one round with out swords (tooth picks) and two with. I am note sure they really made much of a difference and each round was tough to decide who won, but it was pretty funny (for the record we decided pink won - that's my Peeps :)

If you try this make sure you get a new paper plate each time - for the last round we reused ours and the previous Peeps REALLY got cooking and it was pretty stinky.

Also, I decided to try a microwaved peep. It was good and reminded me of a roasted marshmallow. Don't worry I am not going to make a habit out of eating microwaved Peeps or of microwaving Peeps, but after this afternoon I am glad to know what a Peep War is all about and feel like a much more well-rounded, educated person after our little experiment :)
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny!!! I kept waiting for you to update the blog after you told me about it - haha!!