My best friend, Stacy has an adorable little boy named William and he just became a big brother, to a new little sister Caroline (I am going to meet her this weekend, so check back for more on that). To make room for the new baby, Will moved into a different room - his 'big-boy room.' And Stacy recently commented on the cute, simple paintings I did for my Godson & nephew
Liam's room and hinted that Will could use something similar for his new digs. I was so excited that Stacy liked my other pictures enough to ask for something for Will - Now I had to figure out what to make.
Step 1. Buy a couple canvas's on sale

Step 2. Paint each canvas to coordinate with Will's new bed spread

(picture from Stacy's Facebook page - isn't he the cutest!)

Step 3. Decide what to paint on each one, this is where it got a bit tricky (it had to be something new to paint - for the purposes of this blog) . . . then Stacy called and said she was thinking of 4 canvas's - one for each of the 4 major 'boys' sports
Here's what I cam up with




I hope these paintings will add some fun personalty to Williams new room and that they last for a little while (he's almost 2 so I am sure damage is inevitable, but at least I had fun creating them, he he)
OHHHH, Colette!! The pictures turned out great, he will love them : ) Thank you so much for helping me out!!
The Gutzs