She loves to be creative and had her 'friend' birthday party (I believe this was celebration #4) at this charming little art gallery called ARTichokes. Quinn and I went to help out (we basically just took turns holding our niece Talia - tough job, but somebody's gotta do it).
I was so impressed with how the party went. First they had all the kids draw a picture of Mia using markers. For the next project each kid got a canvas to paint on. The final project was a large canvas that every kid took turns painting and Mia got to keep. For this project, Mia let them know she wanted a garden and they (the 2 ladies fromt he gallery who were running the party) took care of making sure it turned out great!

Don't be surprised if I end up taking an art class or going for a girls night out at ARTichokes for another first somewhere down the road.
Other Firsts: Our friends Katie & Scott introduced us to a new restaurant tonight, Ponak's Mexican Kitchen. The Lief's came too. Quinn, Casey and I had never been and Lindsey had only been once, Katie & Scott are regulars (mainly thanks to Scott and his appreciation of their good margarita's).
On the way there, by the way Katie & Lindsey were talking, I was getting a little nervous (they had mixed reviews) but once we got there and saw it was packed I was feeling more optimistic and by the time we left I decided I actually liked the place. The food was nothing amazing, but it was good and of course we had great company. My favorite part of the evening was getting to celebrate with the Lief's - THEY ARE HAVING A BABY!! They went through quit the roller coaster over the last week and finally got to see their baby's heartbeat on Friday morning.
Such a wonderful, fun-filled day. Now off to bed so we can be productive tomorrow!
oh we HAVE to go to artichokes!!!!!!! and soon!!!!!!!! case and i had SUCH SUCH SUCH a good time out with you guys on saturday, much needed friend time :) thanks for ALL of your support :) LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!