Tonight I tried a chayote (chay-O-tay)

It is a vegetable that is part of the squash family. Quinn picked it up about a week ago (I asked him to get something interesting at the store so I would have something new on-hand if I needed it). Because it is a type of squash it keeps well for several weeks when lightly wrapped in plastic and refrigerated

I pulled out my
Fresh Produce Guide to learn a bit more about the chayote. When selecting one, you want to make sure it doesn't have any blemishes and is firm. Also, smaller chayotes tend to be more tender. The first step to prepare the chayote is to simmer it in lightly salted water until it just becomes tender.

Once it is slightly tender you remove it from the pan and slice it down the middle to remove the edible 'pit' and then bake it in the oven until just brown. The 'pit' or seed in the center looked like a giant bean and was actually very tasty, it had a nutty flavor and a texture similar to edamame.

Once you bake it the skin should either be removed or you should just avoid eating it.

The chayote was interesting and reminded me of a zucchini.
Never heard of this kind of squash ! Thanks for sharing.