Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 133 - Golden Raspberries

Since I have started this 'something new' every day thing I often find myself more alert and on the look out for interesting things to do, try & make. Earlier this week at the grocery store the golden raspberries caught my attention. I have noticed them before and never thought much of them and if I saw the regular red raspberries next to these golden ones I would normally always go for the red ones - because they just look more right or normal, but for the sake of something new I bought these lovely golden raspberries

I still had some strawberries left over from my jam and had also recently bought a bunch of blueberries so tonight, after dinner, I decided to have some fresh berries.

Each little berry was so good and the golden raspberries where absolutely delicious!! Plus once they were mixed in with the strawberries & blueberries I really liked the extra color they added. Yipee to summer and fresh, sweet berries :)

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