Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 - Knitting at Night

I have never even touched a pair of knitting needles, until tonight. A church in my neighborhood has a knitting class that started tonight. One of my neighbors was helping to teach and another was going for fun (they are both really great at knitting so if I keep this up I am sure I will be thankful to have 2 wonderful resources so close-by) and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to at least attempt to learn to knit.

I also never knew there were so many types of needles and yarn and special ways to classify all this yarn & needles and there is an entire new vocabulary that goes with the art of knitting. I plan to just take it one stich at a time and am looking forward to sharing my first finished product with all of you!

Practice makes perfect. Once I got home, I worked a little bit on my knit-stich and that went pretty well, but then I attempted to purl and finally decided I will just pay one of wonderful knitting neighbors a visit later this week ;)

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYAY for knitting, I can only do scarves, but it's so fun, huh?( I feel so much more productive while sitting in front of the tv knitting too....but Linds has mentioned before that you are always busy doing something so maybe your not such a tv watcher) nice blog, LIKE IT! so fun.
